
  • Semiotics is the study of signs or a sign system. 
  • Ferdinand de Sasussure is seen as the founder 
  • Other early developers include Claude Levi-Strauss, Charles Saunders Pierce and Roland Bathes 
  • The Language of media begins with Semiotics... The language of signs

  • Is the study of signs and symbs and their use of interpretation.
  • A sign is the smallest unit of meaning 
  • In media a sign can be anything that communicates meaning E.g)Body language,colour, Shot type,words,pictures 
The Signifier:
  • Saussure offered a two step model of the sign. He defined a sign a sign being composed of: 
  • Signifier-The form in which the sign takes 
  • Signified- The Concept it represents. 
  • EXAMPLE: The word Cat would be the signifier. This signifies a four legged, furry mammal, with a tail. Which purrs and makes miaow sounds 
Subject Position:
  • On a larger scale, this means that we will all read media texts slightly differently because we will approach them from our own subject position.
  • Our Subject position is everything that goes on to make up what we are and where we fit in the world
  • All media is constructed through signs 
  • To become a media producer, you need to understand how to use signs to communicate to your audience 
  • Roland Barthes argued that verbal language is just one way in which we communicate 
Image result for road signs uk
Denotation And Connotation:
  • The signified is the obvious meaning of the signifier or sign – the denotation.
  • However, many signs have lots of alternative meanings as well as their obvious ones 
  • These meanings will have been picked up from the culture they are used by 
  • These extra meanings are called connotations 
  • An important concept in semiology is that all signs hold different levels of meaning- the denotative and connotative level 
  • DENOTATION- The literal meaning of a word/object/action 
  • CONNOTATION-  The associations that are made when interpreting a sign.


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