Sound analysis film clip: Thor Ragnarok

The piece of film I've chosen to analyse is the final battle sequence from the  2017 hit Thor: Ragnarok

At the start of this clip, there is a use of Digetic dialogue from Hela which is  followed by some music to enhance the dramatic effect that Hela is stronger,has overpowered him and is about to kill Thor. Suddenly a  sound effect of Thunder and lightening takes over the screen which is used to show Thor gaining his powers back and to give the impression that he is still extremely powerful even without his magic hammer which he lost earlier on in the film. The lightening could also be considered to be exaggerated sound to make Thor appear more powerful than he already is.

As the effect of lightning is so powerful it knocks Hela out and gives the heroes confidence and as a medium close up appears a  Foley effect of a sword being swung and hitting enemies is used as well as a Non Digetic drum sound occurs to transition into a different piece of music. This transition is being used to show to the audience the shift of the battle and now Thor and the other Asgardians are now on top due to Thor getting his power back.

The Non digetic sound now appearing on screen is now The Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin and this works well with the image appearing on screen because as the lyrics begin to be play Thor begins to kill the enemy and director Taika Watititi has choreographed this scene to be parallel with the music. This section also uses Digetic dialogue with the Hela's army making growling and grunting noises as they go towards Thor. And from the 00:54 second mark  a sound effect of fireworks is used to get the attention of the army to go over the Valkyrie as the fireworks go off Valkyrie proceeds to slaughter the army with her  . This would have been made by Foley artists who would have made the sound much bigger and more exaggerated than what it would have been on set.

Next there is a clip of The Incredible Hulk fighting a giant Wolf in the sea with the sound of waves crashing and the roars from the incredible Hulk and the wolf. The sound of the sea and the waves were done by using Foley artists in a sound booth making the noises and the roars from the wolf and Hulk were both done in a recording studio. All of these things would have been done in post-production.

As the scene progresses more of the same prevails as the same type of sounds occur until 02:23 when Digetic dialogue begins again and the Immigrant song stops. This is done to show that Hela's army is dead however Hela is still very much a threat.As Thor starts to talk powerful Non Digetic music begins to play this is to show that Thor is trying to motivate Loki and Valkyrie.


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