Shot Types, Camera Angles and Camera movement part 2: Clip Analysis

The film clip i have chosen to analyse is the Emo Peter Parker dance scene from the 2007 superhero film Spider-Man 3

In this clip there are lots of different styles of shot types, Camera angles and camera movements,
incorporated into this two minute forty six second clip

In the opening shots we have a close up on Peter Parker's  chest and then a the camera tilts down to show a news article from the Daily Bugle showing that Eddie Brock had been fired for publishing fake photos of Spider-Man, We then get a transition into an over the shoulder shot at an eye level angle of Ursula (the landlords daughter) who is standing with Peter Parker, who is on the phone to Dr Connors. This shot is held for 3 seconds before a close up on to Peter Parker's face, showing off his facial expressions. These close up shots of Parker's face are used by Rami to give clear detail to the audience on his facial expression which is the being used to help bring comedic element to the scene by having him pull faces when Dr Connors speaks to him over he phone. This is used to show that Peter isn't interested in what Dr Connors is saying, it also gives a contrast to Parker's behaviour earlier on the in the film when he didn't have the symbiote

The rest of this scene continues to use these two types of shot however this scene also cuts back and forth between Dr Connors. The shots of Dr Connors are medium close ups that show his head and shoulders while leaving space for his head at the top. The other shots in the this pat of the scene are a close up of the symbiote shot at a eye level angle and an over the shoulder shot of his computer showing a graphic of the symbiote's affects

After this scene we cut back to Peter in the street and we return the close up shot of his chest down to his waist, his arms are also in the shot then the camera tilts out up and zooms out to a medium shot of Peter Parker dancing and snapping his fingers while walking down the street. The camera will cut between a eye level shot of strangers on the street reacting to Peter's dancing. This is done to show this from Peter's perspective. After this it returns to a medium shot. The medium shot has been used by director Sam Rami to make Peter the clear focus of this scene allowing for gestures,body language, facial expression, emotions  and other detail to become clear to the audience. However the medium shot still allows for the rest of the setting and the people in the scene to be viewed and have their reactions be seen audience as well as having Peter be the focus of the shot

The scene continues with this medium shot until the 1:50 mark, here we go back to a close up this time of Parker's chest and hands. This shot is at eye level and it gives the audience a clearer understanding of why people are staring at him and its because he is making pointing gestures at women. After these shots the camera cuts to a long shot of Peter Parker sliding and dancing in the street. This shot allows for the audience to see Peter Parker's full body as well as still giving a view of other people in the scene and for the first time in the clip a real understanding of any location. The scene is set in a busy city (New York) this can be seen as there are tall buildings,lots of people and traffic

After that we see for the remainder of the clip medium long-shot shot of Peter Parker, These shots start around the knees of Parker and being done to put focus back onto Peter Parker clearly showing facial expression, body language and gestures. Using this also allowed for the audience to see the background and other peoples reactions. In this part of the scene we saw the camera Pan all the way round to now give the view of a clothes shop instead of a New York street. Here Parker will change clothes and begin dancing once again! 


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